Why Employee Motivation Is More Critical Than Ever And How To Boost It

Why Employee Motivation Is More Critical Than Ever And How To Boost It

With lockdown re-introduced earlier this month to fight the second wave of the coronavirus, remote working has returned as an obligatory option for many. So boosting employee motivation to help keep both productivity and wellbeing high, more critical than ever. We have listed 5 of the key suggestions designed to boost employee motivation.

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COVID-19: Why Employee Mental Health Should Be Addressed Too

COVID-19: Why Employee Mental Health Should Be Addressed Too

The benefits of remote working have been promoted for some time now, but few would have thought a global pandemic, like the COVID-19 crisis, would be the impetus that pushed working from home so far forward. However, with the adoption of such new ways has come new challenges, with HR Departments now needing to pay attention to employee mental health more than ever.

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How Are Employee Leave Entitlements Affected In The COVID-19 Pandemic

How Are Employee Leave Entitlements Affected In The COVID-19 Pandemic

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has been a game-changer for businesses. Lockdown restrictions have seen many people now remote working, but for those at home but unable to work questions persist. Among them, how are employee leave entitlements impacted? And can employers request employee leave be taken?

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Seasonal Affective Disorder: Why Employee Winter Blues Should Not Be Ignored

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Why Employee Winter Blues Should Not Be Ignored

It’s no surprise that with darkening evenings, blustery winds and miserable rain, we can get a little down. But while for most of us, our misery is an afterthought, others suffer severely from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). In the workplace, the negative impact of SAD needs to be handled carefully. So, what can a HR Department do about it?

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Goodbye Employee Performance Reviews, Welcome Radical Transparency?

Goodbye Employee Performance Reviews, Welcome Radical Transparency?

With the end of 2019 looming, many companies are preparing to get their annual employee performance reviews underway. But while the intention behind these interviews is to build something positive, the real impact can be very different. So, isn’t it time to wave goodbye to the employee performance review? Is it time for Radical Transparency?

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3 Complaints Certain To Give HR Nightmares, And How To Deal With Them

3 Complaints Certain To Give HR Nightmares, And How To Deal With Them

Human Resources is no bed of roses, as any HR professional will testify; the kind of problems dealt with regularly can comfortably be covered once a procedure is in place. But where the nightmare begins is with the unexpected complications thrown in, often created by nothing more sinister than a difference in perspective. So what are the complaints and challenges that contribute most to a HR nightmare?

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